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Shopify for your online store

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that provides the tools for you to set-up an online store and sell your products. It is the topmost leading platform for all scale businesses. Shopify also allows their merchants to sell their products in person via Shopify POS.

Why Shopify?

Whether you are a budding fashion designer wanting to sell your products or a YouTuber wanting to sell their merchandise, or you have an existing company you want to grow, Shopify will help meet all your needs. With a huge app store, a wide variety of price plans, and exemplary features, it’s a stable and robust platform to create your online store.


Shopify offers a wide range of features and caters to all suits of industry.

SalesShopify is leading among its competitors in the sales features it offers to its users. You can track and manage your customers efficiently and discover your best buyers.Shopify also helps tackle your abandoned cart shipping problem by allowing you to offer discounts and incentives for your customers to return to your website and make a purchase. It also has features to manage and transfer your inventory as well.
MarketingShopify also provides you with a set of powerful tools to market your products so that it reaches maximum customers. It provides you with an overview of your marketing performance as well as create ad campaigns and integrate with popular marketing apps. It also increases the probability of your site being getting found on search results by enabling you with SEO tools like header code, unique URLs, Meta description, makes pages visible & invisible and redirect pages whenever necessary.
AutomationShopify helps automate your marketing to help your business grow better by sending tailored messages to customers with tags.Recover sales and retain customers using SMS.Capture lost sales with automated abandoned cart emails.You can group marketing activities or set time slots to send out certain ad campaigns in advance.
Analytics & ReportingShopify’s analytics and reports give you the means to get insights into your visitors and customer behaviors, evaluate your site’s speed,view profit margin and also be able to see a live real-time view of all your active visitors around the world.It also has an overview dashboard that shows the key sales, orders, and online store guest data. You can see in one go with customizable timelines, how your store is performing.
ThemesShopify helps you manage your store’s themes as well as add and publish themes to change your store’s themes.It provides 10 free themes and other themes are available for a paid price.All the themes are mobile responsive which means that they automatically reformat itself to fit mobile and tablet screens.
App IntegrationShopify allows you to integrate with over 1200 apps so that you can enable features that your site previously did not possess. This makes it quite easy for your store to scale up and in case your theme does not include certain features then you can easily find them in the ‘Shopify App Store’.


Shopify has very reasonable price plans with scalable options, and key features are present even in the lowest pricing tier.

  • a.Shopify Lite:  It allows you to sell your products on Facebook or pre-existing websites and costs $9per month.
  • b.Basic Shopify: lowest price model to create your own standalone store and it provides all the necessities for a new virtual store and costs $29 per month.
  • c.Shopify: next plan to consider for developing businesses, it includes elements such as creating gift cards and professional reports. It costs $79 per month.
  • d.Advanced Shopify: for large businesses intending to expand, Shopify contains an advanced report builder, third-party calculated shipping rate, and options to integrate with your own shipping accounts. It costs $299 per month.
  • e.Shopify Plus: customized pricing available for enterprise-level companies with big budgets. There is no fixed price hence you can negotiate a custom quote.

All of these include a small percent of transaction fees if you use other non-Shopify payment options.

You should also note that Shopify offers a 14-day free trial period with no bank details required so it would be recommended to use this option to understand how Shopify can profit your business.

3.Ease of use

Shopify is extremely easy and simple to use and navigate through. It combines powerful e-commerce tools with user-friendly tools. Its design is clean and robust. All key features are present on the home page to set-up your store and additional instructions are also provided for any further clarification that may be required.


Shopify provides you with support with the following multiple networks and you have the freedom to pick the one that is best convenient for you:

  • 24/7 support
  • Shopify Help Center
  • Forums
  • API documentation
  • Free tools
  • Free stock photos
  • Websites for sale
  • Hatchful
  • Business name generator


Unlike other platforms, Shopify stores are innately secure, and they do not give you the tedious task of arranging your website’s security. Shopify manages safety counter to cyber risks, run revises, and matches the compliance obligations for conducting online trades.

Assistance from Alchemist Advanced Technologies:

As a leading partner of Shopify, we can assist you with setting up and maintaining your store.

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